Electrification of transport industry.

Electrification of transport industry.

With the growing popularity of electric vehicles and due to increasingly rigorous environmental measures, many truck manufacturers are considering future production of electric trucks.

Some companies have already dropped their trucks, and some are still in the prototype stage.

As things currently stand, electric trucks are still far from widely used because of some disadventages when compered with diesel trucks.

Some of the companies that have rolled out electric trucks are Volvo and Mercedes. And next to them, there are also electric trucks from Nikola Motors and Tesla Motors.

One of the biggest challenges faced by manufacturers are the range and places to charge batteries.

In the table we have prepared for you, you can see range of some electric trucks:

 Volvo VNR Electric


Volvo FH Electric




Nikola Tree


Tesla Semi


As technology evolves rapidly we can expect performance to get better and better. And how much more time will pass before electric vehicles take over the market completely, we can only guess.

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